Wine Club

“Hail, cork master, The master of the cork, (They) knows which wine goes with fish or pork!” – Frasier

Welcome to the Wine Club at No Reservations

Join us at the Wine Club, where we connect, relax, and create memorable experiences with friends old and new. Held monthly in the cozy homes of our members, Wine Club is a themed social event that epitomizes the spirit of fellowship and fun. Initiated to provide a relaxed atmosphere, it serves as the perfect backdrop for unwinding and enjoying the company of fellow members and their friends.

Key Elements of Wine Club:

When and Where?

We convene once a month on a chosen Friday or Saturday evening, embracing the comfort and hospitality offered within the homes of No Reservations members. Each event will have a unique theme, transforming each meet-up into a special and unforgettable evening.

Who Should Attend?

Whether you are a long-standing member of No Reservations or a newcomer looking to find your place in our community, Wine Club is for you. This event is specifically designed to be inclusive and welcoming, allowing everyone to foster new friendships and strengthen old ones in a supportive environment. New faces are always welcome, making each gathering a fresh and exciting experience.

Why Join Wine Club?

At No Reservations, we believe in the power of community and the simple joy of social interactions. Wine Club is our response to the universal desire for connection—free from formal discussions or structured themes like theology. It’s a chance to simply be yourself, share laughs, and make memories. Whether you are looking to meet new people, strengthen existing relationships, or enjoy a night out, Wine Club offers the perfect setting to do so.

Join Us for the Next Gathering!

Ready to raise a glass with us? Subscribe to our newsletter, The Rundown, and follow us on social media for updates on the next Wine Club evening. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to unwind and connect. Bring a friend, bring your favorite bottle, and bring your best stories—Wine Club at No Reservations is where friendships flourish.

Our Programs

Discover your path with No Reservations — where every event is an opportunity for transformation.



Faith On Tap


Second Tier