Faith On Tap: The Realm of God
The Realm of God | The Gospel of Thomas: Sayings #2 and #3 - Collective Edition Christ spoke to them, "Whoever grasps the true essence of these teachings will transcend death." Christ said: "Seek persistently until you discover the truth. When you uncover it, you might feel unsettled.
Mosaic Dinner Church – October 08, 2023
Authenticity from Within to Reform Without “All boundaries are conventions, waiting to be transcended.” – Robert Frobisher Introduction Collective Call to Prayer: Psalm 80:7-15 | Collective Edition Revive us, Spirit of Infinite Possibility; let your inner light glow, that we may find our way. From the depths of our struggles and
Vinos & Verses – October 04, 2023
The Twelve Commandments | Exodus 20: 1-4, 7-9, 12-17 - Collective Edition Then the Divine Within whispered these truths: I am the Sacred that's alive in you, having guided you out of your own confinements, out of the cages you built for yourselves. Don't confine your soul by