No Reservations Blog2024-08-10T12:43:42-04:00

Post Election Prayer 2024

By |November 6th, 2024|Categories: Election 2024, Featured Message|

"Do not deny justice to those who are strangers among you or to those who are vulnerable and without support. Do not exploit the suffering of those who have lost everything. Remember, you too have known what it feels like to be bound, isolated, or powerless—and it was the

Re:Define: Shame as the Root of Sin

By |September 17th, 2024|Categories: Re:Define|

Re:Define | September 17th, 2024 "In the beginning, they lived fully exposed, with nothing to hide, and felt no shame in their nakedness. They were authentic, unburdened by self-judgment or fear...They ate the fruit. At that moment, their eyes were opened, and they became painfully aware of their