The No Res Blog
Mosaic Dinner Church – October 08, 2023
Authenticity from Within to Reform Without “All boundaries are conventions, waiting to be transcended.” – Robert Frobisher Introduction Collective Call to Prayer: Psalm 80:7-15 | Collective Edition Revive us, Spirit of Infinite Possibility; let your inner light glow, that we may find our way. From the depths of our struggles and
Vinos & Verses – October 04, 2023
The Twelve Commandments | Exodus 20: 1-4, 7-9, 12-17 - Collective Edition Then the Divine Within whispered these truths: I am the Sacred that's alive in you, having guided you out of your own confinements, out of the cages you built for yourselves. Don't confine your soul by
Mosaic Dinner Church – October 01, 2023
Do Or Do Not. There Is No Try - Yoda “You’ll find your freedom, in your thoughts, in your dreams.” – The OA Introduction Collective Call to Prayer: Psalm 25:1-9 | Collective Edition To You, I unveil my authentic self, Trusting in the divinity that dwells within us
Vinos & Verses – September 27, 2023
The Path of Authentic Living: A Divine Invitation to Turn and Truly Live | Ezekiel 18: 1-4, 25-32 - Collective Edition In the embrace of divine love, this revelation comes to us: Why do you say that if one generation eats bitter fruit, the next feels its bite?
Mosaic Dinner Church – September 24, 2023
Painting With Authenticity "The artist forges himself to the others, midway between the beauty he cannot do without and the community he cannot tear himself away from. That is why true artists scorn nothing: they are obliged to understand rather than to judge." – Albert Camus Introduction Collective
Vinos & Verses – September 20, 2023
One Unfortunate Bush: A Tale of Second Chances | Jonah 3:10-4:11 - Collective Edition When the Divine witnessed the transformation of hearts, the change from harmful paths, the idea of catastrophe was set aside. No ill fate befell the people. Jonah, however, couldn't stomach this mercy. Frustrated, he
Mosaic Dinner Church – September 17, 2023
A Dance of Boundless Love and Forgiveness "If we really want to love, we must learn how to forgive." - Mother Teresa Introduction Collective Call to Prayer: Psalm 103:1-13 | The Collective Edition With all we are, we bless the One, Whose image we reflect through love. With
Vinos & Verses – Sep. 13, 2023
Embracing the Rainbow Image of God | Romans 14:1-12 | Collective Version Find those different from you and welcome them, not to change them but to learn. Remember, people live differently. Embrace authenticity and affirm uniqueness, for we're all created in the rainbow image of God. Don't shame